Nina Butler
MORE Recycling
Nina Bellucci Butler is the CEO of MORE Recycling. MORE is a research and technology firm with a mission to provide forward-thinking programs, tools (e.g.,, and services to accelerate the transition to a society that manages resources sustainably. Nina has been a visionary, leading industry, building collaboration, and shedding light on the information necessary to overcome barriers to plastic recycling for nearly 20 years. She has a Masters in Environmental Management from Duke University.
Speaking Sessions
SPC Virtual Winter Series 2021
Presentation + Moderated Q&A: Changing Course: Plastics, Carbon and the Transition to Circularity
Jan 20th, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
SPC Advance 2018
Advancements in Mechanical Recycling | Unraveling Film Recovery
Sep 27th, 2018
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Salon E, 4th floor