600 E. Water Street, Suite C Charlottesville, VA 22902


SPC Logo Use Policy

All SPC members in good standing with the organization is encouraged to use the Member of SPC logos. Non-members cannot use the logo. Questions about the logo use policy can be sent to our team at: spcinfo@greenbue.org.

Member companies must comply with the following requirements listed below to use the Member of SPC logos:

Appropriate Use

  • The SPC will allow the use of the Member of SPC logo on general marketing materials, signs, exhibit materials, printed publications, company websites, and social media accounts.
  • The Member of SPC logos may ONLY be used if the company’s membership is in good standing. If a member company ends its SPC membership, that company is held responsible for removing the Member of SPC logos in all forms in a prompt manner

Inappropriate Use

  • The Member of SPC logos may NOT be used on packaging
  • The Member of SPC logos may NOT be used to imply endorsement of environmental/sustainability claims or other certification.












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