SPC Advance 2016

The Annual Members-Only Event

Sep 19, 2016 - Sep 21, 2016 Portland, OR


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Sep 19th
8:30 am - 10:00 am ET

Working Session: SPC Industry Leadership Committee on Bioplastics

Broadway III/IV


Kyla Fisher

Sustainability Consultant

As a whole, bioplastics present a unique opportunity for sustainable packaging, but individually, no two bioplastics are alike. This committee serves to create and promote educational resources with goals to broaden the understanding of bioplastics and generate awareness of the depth and diversity of performance characteristics and suitability for recovery encompassed by the growing family of bioplastics.

Sep 19th
8:30 am - 10:00 am ET

Working Session: SPC Industry Leadership Committee on the Value of Forest Certification

Broadway I/II


Tom Pollock

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Sarah Crow

American Forest Foundation

Nathan Truitt

American Forest Foundation

This Industry Leadership Committee was formed to develop a deeper understanding of economic factors related to increasing certified forest area in North America. This session will facilitate an elevated conversation on creating and advancing models, both new and existing, for increasing the amount of responsibly sourced fiber in the U.S.

Sep 19th
11:45 am - 1:00 pm ET


Pavilion Ballroom
Sep 19th
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Workshop: Integrating Sustainability into Brand Storytelling

Pavilion Ballroom


Park Howell

Business of Story

Crafting a winning brand story is essential to marketing and business growth, but including elements of sustainability is not always easy. Renown marketing consultant and brand story strategist Park Howell leads this workshop to teach attendees how corporate responsibility can be integrated into storytelling – and why it should be – to create and tell compelling business stories that sell.

Sep 19th
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Workshop: The Environmental Paper Assessment Tool (EPAT)

Broadway III/IV

EPAT was developed by GreenBlue to serve as an easy-to-use supply chain visibility tool that provides insight into the most important environmental performance indicators for paper mills. Learn how EPAT is relied upon as a trusted source of data for many leading brands and how it helps evaluate considerations including forest certification, recycled content, energy and water use, and more. On the other side of supply chain, learn why paper suppliers value EPAT’s ability to showcase their environmental performance and conduct internal benchmarking against industry peers. Attendees at this workshop will learn how the tool works and how it’s become integrated into so many companies’ decision-making processes.

Sep 19th
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Workshop: COMPASS

Broadway I/II


Learn how COMPASS, the leading streamlined life cycle assessment tool for packaging, can be used to baseline the environmental characteristics of packaging and incorporate sustainable packaging design strategies into business decisions. Incorporating real examples and case studies, this workshop will give attendees a detailed understanding of the ways in which COMPASS can be used to understand and improve the sustainability of primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging systems.

Sep 19th
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET

Tour: Nike’s Corporate Campus

Sep 19th
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm ET

Tour: West Linn Paper Company Mill

Sep 19th
2:45 pm - 5:00 pm ET

Tour: Recology’s Metro Central MRF

Sep 19th
2:45 pm - 5:00 pm ET

Tour: Nature’s Needs Composter

Sep 19th
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET

Dinner & Dialogue

Sep 19th
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ET

3rd Annual SPC Advance Pub Crawl

Join your fellow SPC members to explore downtown Portland’s famous food & beverage scene. Sample regional microbrews, enjoy local fare, make new connections and enjoy yourself. Packaging conversations optional.

Sep 20th
7:30 am - 8:00 am ET


Pavilion Ballroom
Sep 20th
8:30 am - 8:45 am ET

Opening Remarks

Pavilion Ballroom


Nina Goodrich

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Nina Goodrich, GreenBlue Executive Director and Director of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, will discuss key takeaways from the previous sessions and the SPC’s direction on future activities.

Sep 20th
8:45 am - 9:30 am ET

Advancing Sustainable Materials Management in Oregon

Pavilion Ballroom


David Allaway

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Oregon is on the forefront of transitioning from waste management to sustainable materials management. Through creativity and a strong science-based approach, a new philosophy of regulatory action is taking shape and spurring an evolution from past pursuits of waste reduction and recovery. Hear the story of Oregon’s approach and learn how a progressive state government agency is making waves in the sustainable packaging community.

Sep 20th
9:30 am - 10:30 am ET

Panel Discussion: The New Plastics Economy

Pavilion Ballroom


Rachel Goldstein

Mars, Incorporated

Jeff Wooster

Dow Packaging and Speciality Plastics

Steve Davies


Sarah Dearman

The Recycling Partnership

Ron Cotterman

Sealed Air

The most notable expression of circular economy thinking in 2016, The New Plastics Economy report was produced by the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation as part of a global initiative aimed and scaling the circular economy. Regardless of the types of packaging materials your company engages with, everyone will appreciate this engaging panel discussion featuring representatives from leading brands and suppliers as they explore the state of circular economy thinking and its application to packaging.

Sep 20th
10:30 am - 11:00 am ET


Pavilion Foyer
Sep 20th
11:00 am - 11:30 am ET

California and Packaging Regulation: A Special Update from CalRecycle

Pavilion Ballroom


Jim Hill


Having identified packaging recovery and recycling as a priority to help achieve California’s overall statewide goal to reduce landfilled waste by at least 75% by 2020, CalRecycle initiated the Manufacturers Challenge to encourage industry’s collective action to reduce landfilled packaging in California by 50%. As industry considers and pursues voluntary actions to meet California’s aggressive goals, CalRecycle formulates its next steps and plans to bring recommendations to the CalRecycle Director on Tuesday, September 20. Hear from CalRecycle’s Jim Hill to receive an overview of CalRecycle’s approach to packaging recovery and the latest news from the Golden State.

Sep 20th
11:30 am - 12:15 pm ET

New Findings on Residential Recycling Programs

Pavilion Ballroom


Adam Gendell

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Keefe Harrison

The Recycling Partnership

Strong recycling programs are critical for successful packaging recovery, and two new studies are shining new light on their quantity and quality. The Recycling Partnership’s EPA-funded study;The State of Curbside Recycling brings forth a new analysis of trends and gaps in curbside recycling infrastructure, and the SPC-led; 2015-16 Study on Availability of Recycling presents a robust national picture of the types of recycling programs that are available to consumers, giving new data on the prevalence of quality, convenient programs that are likely to be utilized.

Sep 20th
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm ET


Skyline I/II
Sep 20th
1:15 pm - 1:25 pm ET

Introduction to the State of Compostable Packaging

Broadway III/IV


Heather Levy

Cascadia Consulting Group

Whether you’re new to the conversation or looking for the most current overview of compostable packaging, this session will outline the most important considerations and happenings in the world of compostable packaging.

Sep 20th
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm ET

Closed Loop Fund Announcement of Multi-Layer Flexible Recovery Awareness

Pavilion Ballroom


Bridget Croke

Closed Loop Partners

Tim Buwalda


Perhaps the most ambitious voluntary industry commitment to date, the Closed Loop Fund was formed to invest $100M to increase the recycling of products and packaging. In 2016, their attention is turned towards multilayer flexible packaging. This session features the announcement of the latest grant awardees and their stories around how the Closed Loop Fund’s investments will be used to pursue meaningful gains towards scalable solutions for flexible packaging waste.

Sep 20th
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm ET

The Value of Forest Certification Project Update: Outlining a Landscape Assurance Model

Broadway I/II


Tom Pollock

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Sarah Crow

American Forest Foundation

Laura Thompson

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Nathan Truitt

American Forest Foundation

This multi-year SPC-led engagement has brought together stakeholders from every segment of the supply chain to explore responsible fiber sourcing and the opportunities and challenges of certification programs. Hear the most up-to-date understanding of the state of responsible fiber sourcing practices and learn about the SPC’s ongoing work to create more viable means of supply chain assurance.

Sep 20th
1:50 pm - 2:15 pm ET

Compostable as an Alternative to Flexible Packaging

Broadway III/IV


Sep 20th
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Zero Net Waste in Plastics Manufacturing

Pavilion Ballroom


Kim Holmes

4R Sustainability

A new program aimed at waste reduction in plastics manufacturing is offering tools and resources to help plastic suppliers achieve recycling and waste reduction goals. Created by members of SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association, this self-reporting program also provides qualification and verification requirements that help companies demonstrate their goals for pursuing zero waste. Hear from the program’s leader and a leading converter and learn about the Zero Net Waste program and its promise to improve plastics manufacturing.

Sep 20th
2:15 pm - 2:40 pm ET

The Importance of Clarity: Communicating to the General Public

Broadway III/IV

Growing the viability of compostable packaging hinges on a number of diverse stakeholders creating common value, and this session focuses on the consumer. Learn about strategies for communicating the compostability of packaging and hear about the SPC’s new on-package labeling program,

Sep 20th
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET

Global Sustainability | Two Perspectives: Part One. Asia Pulp & Paper Collaboration to Address Sustainability Challenges in SE Asia

Broadway I/II


Ian Lifshitz

Asia Pulp & Paper

Erik Wohlgemuth

Future 500

Fiber sourcing considerations are not one-size-fits-all. Environmental and social considerations differ greatly in various regions of the world, and growth and harvest practices in the boreal forests of Canada may or may not be applicable to those in Indonesia, which may or may not be applicable to those in the southeastern United States, and so on. Part One of this series of presentations focuses on how an innovative public – private collaboration aims to address serious sustainability challenges in SE Asia. Presentation with time for questions.

Sep 20th
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET

The Natural Capital Costs of Plastics and Their Alternatives

Pavilion Ballroom


Jeff Wooster

Dow Packaging and Speciality Plastics

Learn about a new study conducted by Trucost to quantify the externalized economic costs related to the environmental inputs and impacts of plastics and their alternatives. The study is a follow on to previous reports including Valuing Plastics by Trucost in 2014 and The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics by the World Economic Forum in 2016, and includes a discussion of opportunities to reduce the natural capital costs of plastics. Hear from Jeff Wooster on behalf of the American Chemistry Council, who commissioned the study.

Sep 20th
2:40 pm - 3:00 pm ET

Expansion of Organics Diversion: Increasing Interest in Municipalities

Broadway III/IV


Debra Darby

Organix Solutions

Cities are key drivers for increasing source separated organics (SSO) programs that provide cost-effective collection and treatment solutions that recover organic waste, recycle it to its highest-value use and return it to our community value chain. In this presentation, Debra Darby will give an overview of how a co-collection program of organics with municipal solid waste has created an effective program. She will also provide a description of how communities and commercial entities can increase organics recovery rates and meet greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Sep 20th
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET


Pavilion Foyer
Sep 20th
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm ET

The Value of Compostable Packaging: What’s the Size of the Prize?

Broadway III/IV

Industrial composters that accept food waste are the most promising destination for compostable packaging, but it is well-established that composters value food waste more than packaging waste. Fortunately, compostable foodservice packaging can deliver food waste to composters, enhancing the value proposition of compostable packaging by giving the composters what they want. Learn about new work to quantify the amount of food waste compostable packaging can divert from landfills and deliver to composters.

Sep 20th
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm ET

Global Sustainability: Two Perspectives | Part Two. How HAVI Manages its Global Brand, Program, and Expectations

Broadway I/II


Sep 20th
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm ET

Plastics Design for Recycling and Validation

Pavilion Ballroom


Kristi Hansen

Plastics Forming Enterprises

Plastics recyclability can be nuanced, and even well-intentioned design decisions can have adverse effects on recycling processes. Join this session to learn about the work of Plastics Forming Enterprises and their unique role providing recyclability testing services, including recyclability protocols from the Association of Plastics Recyclers, and gain valuable insight in the growing practice of proving recyclability by science-based testing.

Sep 20th
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm ET

Considerations for Virgin and Recycled Wood-Fiber Products

Broadway I/II


Laura Thompson

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Graham Kissack


Jeff Mendelsohn

Thrive Market

Which is better: recycled fiber or responsibly sourced virgin fiber? This session explores the sustainability considerations for both virgin and recycled fiber, highlighting differences in life cycle impacts, market opportunities, and geographic variations. Attendees will learn about the complexities of this seemingly simple question and gain an appreciation for the fit of both virgin and recycled feedstocks in our overarching system of fiber usage. Presentation with time for questions.

Sep 20th
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET

Flash Talks: Innovations in Plastics Technologies

Pavilion Ballroom


Kate Eagle

National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR)

Lisa Pitzer

Avure Technologies Inc.

Innovations and industry pursuits towards more sustainable plastic packaging are everywhere. This session features a series of diverse topics with a common thread of sustainability and plastic packaging. From trending food processing technologies to new recycling technologies, stay on the forefront of industry happenings related to sustainable plastics.

Sep 20th
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm ET

Reducing the Bad Stuff: Washington State’s Compost Contamination Reduction Work Group

Broadway III/IV


Sego Jackson

Seattle Public Utilities

The Organics Contamination Reduction Workgroup is working to understand sources of contamination and create a strategic tool kit and messaging program to reduce contamination in residential and commercial sources of compostable wasted food. Learn how this Washington state workgroup has brought together municipal officials, composters, regulators, and representatives of various commercial businesses to lower costs, improve the viability of industrial composting for the municipal solid waste stream, and help with acceptance of compostable packaging.

Sep 20th
5:00 pm - 5:15 pm ET

Window into the Composting Collaborative — Where Should We Go From Here?

Broadway III/IV

Organics recovery has its unique mix of challenges and opportunities, and GreenBlue has formed the Composting Collaborative to synergize current efforts as they relate composting as part of landfill diversion, compost manufacturing, and soil health. Attendees in this facilitated discussion will hear about current plans for the Collaborative and have an opportunity to provide feedback.

Sep 20th
5:30 pm - 6:15 pm ET

An Introduction to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition: A Special Reception for First-Time Attendees

New to the SPC? Join this intimate networking reception to meet the SPC staff and the SPC’s Executive Committee and learn more about the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Seasoned SPC veteran? Come and share your experiences with new members and make new connections.

Sep 20th
6:15 pm - 8:00 pm ET

SPC Advance Networking Reception

Skyline I/II

Enjoy superb food, an open bar, and networking with your fellow conference attendees.

Sep 21st
8:30 am - 8:45 am ET

Opening Remarks

Pavilion Ballroom


Nina Goodrich

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Nina Goodrich, GreenBlue Executive Director and Director of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, will set the stage with an overview of the current state of packaging sustainability.

Sep 21st
8:45 am - 9:15 am ET

The Evolution of the Shoebox

Pavilion Ballroom


Elizabeth Blackwell

The LEGO Group

Demaree Raveaux

OIA Global Logistics

The iconic Nike shoebox is not as timeless as one might think. Hear the story of its continually shifting design and the number of adjustments and improvements that have been implemented over time, from efficiency gains and cost savings to performance and sustainability characteristics. We can all learn from the past, present, and future of this classic package.

Sep 21st
9:15 am - 9:45 am ET

Disney’s New Approach to Sustainable Packaging Design

Pavilion Ballroom


Bret Healey

Disney Consumer Products

Candela Montero

Disney Consumer Products

Learn about Disney Consumer Products’ Smart Packaging Initiative, an innovative and robust system to benchmark packaging sustainability characteristics and encourage design-for-sustainability considerations for their product licensees.

Sep 21st
9:45 am - 10:15 am ET

The Walmart Outlook on Sustainable Packaging

Pavilion Ballroom


>As part of its corporate mission to help people save money and live better, Walmart and Sam’s Club pursue a system in which customers do not have to choose between products that they can afford and products that are better for them and the environment. Learn how Walmart aims to sell products with packaging that can be recycled by most customers and optimize recycled content that span across categories in food and beverage; consumables like detergents, cleaners, and personal care products; over-the-counter and pharmaceutical products, and other areas.

Sep 21st
10:15 am - 10:45 am ET


Pavilion Foyer
Sep 21st
10:45 am - 11:35 am ET

How2Recycle and the Importance of Design for Recycling

Pavilion Ballroom


Kelly Cramer

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Paul Schutes

Recycled Paperboard Alliance

Steve Alexander

Association of Plastic Recyclers

The SPC’s successful on-package recyclability labeling system has changes unfolding. As the program grows with major presence at Walmart, Target, and with a multitude of leading brands, How2Recycle is placing an increasing emphasis on rewarding the technical design considerations that make a package optimal for the recycling process. Learn how How2Recycle is evolving beyond the historical sole criteria of acceptance in recycling programs to include additional attention to behavior in sortation operations and remanufacturing processes.

Sep 21st
11:35 am - 11:45 am ET

Special Announcement: The SPC and The Recycling Partnership

Pavilion Ballroom


Nina Goodrich

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Keefe Harrison

The Recycling Partnership

Sep 21st
11:45 am - 12:00 pm ET

Closing Remarks

Pavilion Ballroom


Nina Goodrich

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

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