

PreZero US, Inc. is a California based recycling company that strives for zero-waste solutions. The main activities for the company involve designing recycling concepts, creating new raw materials and investing in innovative technologies that support a circular economy.

PreZero US is a subsidiary of the Schwarz Group headquartered in Neckarsulm, Germany. The Schwarz Group is a major global player in production, retail and recycling. In February 2019, the company purchased the Tönsmeier Group and in doing so, became the 5th largest waste management company in Germany. Focusing their efforts on the recovery of waste as valuable commodities, PreZero in the EU is transforming the narrative around waste handling and management.

In 2018, PreZero began its operations in the US with the acquisition of San Diego based recycling company, Resource Management Group. The primary commodities Resource Management Group handles are plastics, organics and fibers. Using this acquisition as a stepping stone, PreZero has since worked aggressively to expand its reach by way of acquisition, joint venture, and strategic partnership.

In 2019, PreZero US established a partnership with recycling expert ACI Plastics to develop revolutionary processing facilities for plastics typically bound for landfills. The process yields 100% recycled resins that provide a quality that is on par with virgin material. PreZero also used 2019 to explore innovations in food waste collection and processing.

PreZero will continue to engage top industry leaders to determine sustainable solutions for the biggest problems in waste. Through collaboration, PreZero strives to create a new benchmark for what recycling can be.