Flexible Packaging Association
The Flexible Packaging Association is the voice of the U.S. manufacturers of flexible packaging and their suppliers. The association’s mission is connecting, advancing, and leading the flexible packaging industry. FPA members are manufacturers of flexible packaging sold to users or distributors for packaging purposes, and material or equipment suppliers to the industry. Flexible packaging represents over $30 billion in annual sales in the U.S., and is the second largest and one of the fastest growing segments of the packaging industry. Flexible packaging is produced from paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, or any combination of those materials, and includes bags, pouches, labels, liners, wraps, rollstock, and other flexible products.
Links to brochures/videos:
- Flexible Packaging Leading the Way in Packaging Innovation Brochure: https://www.flexpack.org/file.aspx?DocumentId=729
- Flexible Packaging Resource Recovery: A Work in Progress Brochure: https://www.flexpack.org/assets/1/6/FPA_Resource_Recovery_brochure.pdf
- Flexible Packaging: Less Resources. Less Footprint. More Value. Case Story Brochure: https://www.flexpack.org/assets/1/6/Final_Case_Story_Brochure200909.pdf
- Fast Facts: Less Resources. Less Footprint. More Value.: https://www.flexpack.org/assets/1/6/Flexible_Packaging_Fast_Facts.pdf
- Sustainability and Flexible Packaging: More Value. Less Waste. Brochure: https://www.flexpack.org/assets/1/6/FPA_sustainability_brochure2.pdf