Kathleen Rademan

Fashion for Good

Kathleen Rademan is the Director of the Innovation Platform at Fashion for Good. Fashion for Good is the global platform for collaborative innovation in the fashion Industry. Together, we harness the power of innovation, practical action & collaboration towards a circular textile industry.

Kathleen is responsible for leading Fashion for Good’s Accelerator Programme and for sourcing and implementing innovation within the plastics, end of use, CMT and traceability space. She leads the implementation effort through developing collaborative, global, multi-brand pilot projects with the most recent being the polybag to polybag project launched in December 2019. 

Kathleen brings both financial and sustainable start-up experience to the table having spent six years in investment banking financing the retail sector and two years as Strategy Lead for Dutch sustainability startup Fastned. Under her direction, Fastned launched in four new markets across Europe. Kathleen has a background in financial mathematics and holds an MBA from INSEAD.