Ana Laborde


Ana Laborde founded BioSolutions in 2010 with the idea of developing natural fiber composites to reduce traditional plastics carbon and water footprint.

BioSolutions developed a proprietary patented technology to produce biocomposites based on natural fibers rich in cellulose, offering a sustainable alternative to the packaging and plastic industry. The renewable fibers used by BioSolutions are considered a byproduct of the Agave Tequila and syrup industry in Mexico. BioSolutions is the first company in Mexico to produce bioplastics from agricultural byproducts.

Ana has an MBA on International Business from University of Grenoble in France, a MSc in Business Innovation with focus in entrepreneurship from Tec de Monterrey and Babson College where she created the BioSolutions as a thesis project and developed it from the idea conception all the way to the technology design.

She also earned a MSc in Commercialization of Science and Technology from University of Texas in Austin, which contributed to scale up the technology in order to produce agave composites at a pilot plant based in Monterrey Mexico.

Ana has experience working with Federal and State capital seed funds. The capital granted from those funds made possible for BioSolutions to open the first natural fiber biocomposite plant in Mexico.

She was one of the TR35 award recipients granted by MIT’s Technology Review Magazine as one of the 10 most innovative companies of Mexico in 2012. She was also named “Science Mind Quo” by Quo Magazine and Discovery Channel’s Mentes Quo Magazine and the Discovery Channel, among other regional and national awards.

She was 1st place in the University of Texas Business Plan Competition in 2012, and  3rd place worldwide at the BizBarcelona competition.