Alan McDowall

Business Development Manager


Alan currently serves as Business Development Manager for Bostik’s North American FlexPack team. As an industry leader in coatings and adhesives, Bostik’s portfolio of sustainable technologies is critical in progressing sustainable packaging development. Prior to working with Bostik, Alan served as Packaging Engineer and Product Stewardship Engineer, respectively, at Conagra Brands and Printpack. These past experiences have given Alan great insight to the hurdles that both Brands and Converters face when developing and launching new material. Throughout his career, Alan has been focused heavily on sustainable package development, giving him the opportunity to work closely with SPC, BPI, CMA, APR, and other organizations that are leading the evolution of sustainable packaging. Outside of work, you are most likely to find Alan spending time on his family farm in Blairsville, GA with his husband, horses, and dogs.

Why do you want to serve on the Executive Committee?

Throughout my career, I have been passionate about the power of sustainable packaging and have experienced firsthand the impact that SPC has brought in reshaping packaging for the better. When I started my career within the CPG space, I was part of the team that launched the How2Recycle label across all of our brands. This was my first foray into SPC’s H2R program, but I became a quick believer in how simple, effective labeling could make a noticeable impact at the consumer level. As I transitioned in my career into the Converter space, I had the opportunity to lead our Compostable Development Platform and with this be a part of the SPC Compostable Packaging Collaborative. Here I witnessed SPC bringing together a group of people across the packaging supply chain to better understand the challenges and promote the benefits of compostable packaging. Now with Bostik, within the Coatings and Adhesive space, I continue to work with SPC to understand the impact of cold seal and laminating adhesives within recycling streams. At each stage in my career, I have had the chance to work with SPC. Through these interactions, I know that the SPC team is not only the leading voice within sustainable packaging, but also the leading avenue to connect those passionate about making our industry more innovative and forward-looking. I would be honored to support this team.

What do you think you would contribute as an Executive Committee representative?

Through my career journey, I have unique insights into multiple stages (Brand, Converter, and Material Supplier) of the packaging supply chain. I have lived the challenges faced at each of these supply stages, and will work to ensure that the impact at each level is voiced as an Executive Committee representative. I would rely on the network I built at each level to ensure I am up to speed with the latest hurdles and trends. My work within compostable development required me to dive deep into the technicality of standards, certifications, and labeling laws, yet understand their impact at a very broad level. I would bring this skillset to the Executive Committee to ensure that I understand trends or issues impacting the industry at very fine level, but make sure I can broadcast their impact to a broad audience. Lastly, and what I hope that anybody who has met me at an SPC event can attest to, is that I am passionate about this industry. Passionate about all the good that packaging brings today, but equally passionate about how much better it can become. Passionate not only about the future innovations that will reshape our industry, but also passionate about the small, incremental changes we can make today that will help push us in the right direction. But mostly, I am passionate about the people within this industry, both the current and future leaders within packaging, and the impact we can make by working together.