GreenBlue Navigate

Navigating Complex Problems on Your Way to Future Thinking Solutions

Welcome to the newest offering for members of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, GreenBlue Navigate. While this service will be available as a member benefit, there will be an additional fee. Beginning with Strategy, Support and Engagement, our group of Navigate Advisors, comprised of industry thought leaders, will provide needed expertise in these key areas to drive your sustainability goals forward:
  • Material Health & Science (Paper, Plastics, Bioplastics, Compostables)
  • Responsible Sourcing
  • Recovery & Recycling Process
  • Marketing & Recyclability Claims
  • Goal Mapping & Strategies
  • Navigating Certifications
  • The Retail Environment
  • Value Chain Innovation
  • Policy Landscape
  • Data Analysis




Nina Goodrich

Nina Goodrich spent the first years of her career working in industrial R & D management, innovation and sustainability strategy. Nina believes that innovation and sustainability are linked as key drivers for our future. She has worked to develop a value proposition for sustainability and to share it with all who will listen. Regarded as a thought leader in the field, Nina speaks and writes frequently on the convergence of sustainability, innovation, and technology.


Kim Carswell

Kim Carswell is a seasoned leader in sustainable packaging with over 40 years of experience working in the CPG (General Mills and Kraft) and retail (Target) space. Kim has built and continues to foster a strong network of experts across the packaging value chain. She has learned the key to delivering results is to collaborate with key partners and stakeholders to drive positive impact.


Laura Thompson

Laura Thompson, PhD, is the Director of the Recycled Material Standard (RMS). Laura joined GreenBlue in 2018 after serving as the Director of Sustainability for Sappi, a multi-national pulp and paper company. Laura spent over 20 years the pulp and paper industry in a breadth of capacities including R&D, mill environmental, coated fine paper and packaging, as well as sustainable development.



To find out more, or discuss your project contact Mike Tannenbaum, Director of Optimization and Sustainability Solutions.