Joseph Kochanski

Director, Sales & Marketing, Natural Resources


Joseph Kochanski is a sustainability professional with more than 11 years’ experience working in social and environmental certification programs at SCS Global Services. Born and raised in Central Wisconsin, his passion for the environment stems from an upbringing centered on conservation activities, travel, and adventures in the woods. After graduating with his degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he has since traveled the world in a variety of positions at SCS, with a primary focus on client relationships and assisting companies in their pursuit of sustainability certifications. Joseph currently resides in Durham, North Carolina where he advocates for the uptake of sustainability initiatives throughout the forest products supply chain daily.

Why do you want to serve on the Executive Committee?

I am a huge fan of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and everything the organization represents. I would love to play a more active role by joining SPC’s Executive Committee to help advance its mission and provide valuable insights in social and environmental sustainability that I’ve learned through my education and experience over the last 15 years.

What do you think you would contribute as an Executive Committee representative?

Having worked directly with the entire global forest products supply chain on sustainability initiatives over the past 11 years, I have an intimate understanding of the thought processes and motivations of manufacturers and brand owners alike. While I would be unable to speak to exacting details of these companies due to confidentiality, I can certainly speak to broader trends that I have seen since joining SCS Global Services’ Natural Resources Division in 2010.